Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
It's Only Tuesday?
For some reason I feel like it should be a lot later in the week.
Probably because I lose track of time when I don't go to school.
Dang you finals week.
Anywhoo, for those of you stopping by from GFC Blog Hop today, WELCOME! I'm glad to have you and I hope you'll stay a while.
So I realized today that having a busy schedule requires you to have some skillzz. (Yeah I just spelt skills with a z, i'm such a bad english major.)
One of those skillz(s), being
Mastering the art of eating and driving. What's in my container you ask? Mashed up tater tots and ketchup. Bucketful of yum.
The art of alphabetizing like a boss. I work at a Dr.'s office so I spend quite a bit of time filing charts and stuff.
Eating too much candy definitely has to be considered a skill. I'm obsessed with these little bites of goodness right now
Well moving on from skillz to the other random parts of my day.........
Random selfie of the day. I do have to say I'm enjoying the cold weather. :)
The currently ornament-less Christmas tree. (I haven't had time to put them on yet!)
And late night studying. I realized today that the only reason I have such a large bed is so that I can lay out every possible paper that I need to study for finals. UGH. Thank goodness they'll be over tomorrow.
Wish me luck!
Monday, December 10, 2012
A Day in the Life
Well since I didn't have any finals today I thought today would be a perfect day to participate in A Day in the Life over with Erin at Living in Yellow.
Well I woke up at 11:50...yeah I know that's a little late in the day but I reeeeaaaallllyyy needed to catch up on some sleep. Most days I go to bed around 1am and then i'm back up and running at 7am. So since I didn't have any finals today I got to sleep late and it was FREAKING AMAZEBALLS.
So the first thing I did when I woke up at the grand hour of noon, was eat lunch. (for reference, we has baked potatoes and baked fist and it was awesome, I just forgot to take a picture before we ate)
Then I honestly meant to decorate the tree but I decided to do this instead......

Enjoy a day in the life of Ashley!
Well I woke up at 11:50...yeah I know that's a little late in the day but I reeeeaaaallllyyy needed to catch up on some sleep. Most days I go to bed around 1am and then i'm back up and running at 7am. So since I didn't have any finals today I got to sleep late and it was FREAKING AMAZEBALLS.
So the first thing I did when I woke up at the grand hour of noon, was eat lunch. (for reference, we has baked potatoes and baked fist and it was awesome, I just forgot to take a picture before we ate)
Then we did the Christmas shuffle, which basically means we had to rearrange the living room so that the Christmas tree would fit
Sugar cookies, and Texas Trash!
Yummy-licious goodness!
And that brings me to what I've been doing for the rest of the night which is talking to different people on either the phone or Skype, and catching up on different things on the internet.
So there you have it, a day in the life of Ashley.
Till next time,
Thursday, December 6, 2012
It's Ok Thursday
Linking up for It's Ok Thursday!
I've been waiting for this day this because,
It's Ok:
That I am actually going to make a B in my Biology class!
That I thought that having coffee at 8pm was a good idea.
That because I had coffee at 8pm I stayed up late and actually got homework done. (WHOOP for productivity!)
To love carrying around my new East West Vera tote! It just holds everything so well
To switch phone covers every 2 days or so because I get tired of the colors
To take unattractive selfies of myself whilst hyped up on coffee and nail polish fumes. (See attatched unattractive selfie. haha)
Hope you are having a GREAT and Ok Thursday!
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Life Update, and a big SURPRISE
Finals are upcoming and my life has been busier than ever! But how about a quick update about a few things!

I went to an AMAZING conference in Corpus Christi
There were stick on mustaches involved
And light up color changing bridges
And craft making
Then over thanksgiving break something that was totally AWESOME, WONDERFUL, SPECTACULAR, and ENTIRELY AMAZING happened.
So I had to get a Baylor charm for my lovely James Avery charm bracelet! :)
Then I was in a play, Charles Dickens "A Christmas Carol"
Costume #1
Me and my new theater BFF Kati
And our awesome show shirts!
Annnnnd then I went to a Student Government lock-in and Christmas party
Talking awkwardly attractive pics with Em
I made cake balls (FOR THE FIRST TIME) for the lock-in
And I acquired "The Fuzz", probably the coolest, awkwardest weirdest thing I have ever owned, that was a gift from my Secret Santa.
Welp, there you have it by AMAZEBALLS last like 3 busy weeks! I can't wait for finals to be done so that I can post some more stuff for y'all in more detail.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
The coolest invention since sliced bread
Well I might have recently discovered something. It might be one of the coolest things ever and I can't believe that I didn't know it existed until like literally yesterday.
And it is so cool!
I had them bind one thing for me, just kind of as a test run to see if I liked it (that is the public speaking one) and I LOVED it. So I didn't waste any time going back to Office Depot and having them spiral bind 2 other things for me.
I am now the proud owner of these 3 gorgeous spiral bound items.
But the first one that I got made is the one that I would really like to go into detail about with y'all. Which is this lovely:
I had heard of spiral binding things but I had never had one done so I wanted to do a trial to see how it worked. That is how I ended up binding all the documents for my speech class. And I bet that you would all like a peek into this pretty book.First off I had this bound with a clear cover, white binding, and white back. And it was under 5 dollars! Such a steal for my own customized public speaking book! I made the cover page which you see in the first picture, and then I also had them cut some file folders in half and bind them in as tabs between the different sections of my book.
Section 1: Course Outline and Syllabus
This section houses all the important documents for my class. Eveything from my class syllabus to a due date list, and even important paper that the professor had for us to print off.
Section 2: Calendar and To do List
This section basically has a calendar printable that I found online along with some to do lists so that I would have a predetermined place to write down things that I needed to accomplish for my class.
Section 3: Notes
What I did here was take all the notes that I had already taken by hand and had them copied on to printer paper so that they would be the same size of the rest of the pages in my notebook. Then I also had a bunch of blank lined printer paper added so that I had an additional place to continue taking notes.
Now on thing that I did add that is not pictured is that on my nice little divider tabs I took my label maker and added labels so that I could know which section was which.
So there you have it! A simple and inexpensive way to customize school material, or just have things bound in general. The other two things that I had bound was my script for the play that I was in (which makes it a hundred times easier to work with vs. a folder or binder), and the other is a book that I need to reference for a class once.
Now tell me, what do you want to have spiral bound?
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Ahhhh the coast
Well I have been gone for a while but I'm back! See I went on this trip, that looked a little something like this:

And this:
More details to come on the trip and hopefully a real post tomorrow! Haha! Have a great day bloggy friends!
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Gossip Girl > Packing
Well I leave for a trip in under 24 hours and I have yet to pack. Personally I like to pack at 2 a.m. which generally results in me only getting a few hours of sleep before I have to wake up and leave, which requires me being (acting) like I am in somewhat of a coherent state of mind.
I was (really I promise!) going to pack earlier but my DVR got the best of me. All I want to do is watch Gossip Girl. Which is what I am currently doing, and still not packing. For those of you that watch Gossip Girl I am at the point where Blair realizes she has made a HUGE mistake marrying Louie, but she knows that she is trapped for at least a year. Somehow I managed to miss these episodes back when I routinely followed the show so I'm catching up (and losing sleep at the same time).
I am a Blair and Chuck supporter. HANDS DOWN. I regard them as one of the best (yet very messed up) TV couples, in the history of TV couples. Right behind them is Meredith and Derek from Grey's, but that is a story for a whole other night.....
Aren't they just the cutest?!
Photo Credit::: Fanpop
Okay, I am done being a fan girl, I promise.
Until next time,
Monday, November 5, 2012
Background of the week
It's background of the week time!
Now I realize that this quote seems a tad morbid, but I post this particular quote because I want to put a positive spin on it. I want you to look at this as inspiration. Inspiration to make sure that you are spending your time doing things that are worthwhile. That the things that you do make you happy and are going to help you in some way. I know not everything we do is entirely exiting, and that there are some things that just have to be done. I would like you to take this quote this week and think about what you do with your time dear readers. And I hope that the result for you is happy, and that most of the things you have to spend your oh so valuable time on, are things that make you happy! :)

Photo Credit: Spelb

Now I realize that this quote seems a tad morbid, but I post this particular quote because I want to put a positive spin on it. I want you to look at this as inspiration. Inspiration to make sure that you are spending your time doing things that are worthwhile. That the things that you do make you happy and are going to help you in some way. I know not everything we do is entirely exiting, and that there are some things that just have to be done. I would like you to take this quote this week and think about what you do with your time dear readers. And I hope that the result for you is happy, and that most of the things you have to spend your oh so valuable time on, are things that make you happy! :)
Photo Credit: Spelb
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Sunday Social
This Weeks Questions: Catch us up with your life
What is
currently on your wish list?
1. This beautiful Coach phone wristlet
2. This Michael Kors watch on Ebay
Share a new iphone, droid, ipad
app you have recently discovered that we all need:
now I am digging Evernote (It is a great research tool
for college research projects!), iStudiez (It lets you
put in all your classes and assignments and then reminds you when you have
things coming up!), and Feedly (which is a great reader
to keep caught up on blogs and things!)
What is
a new Fall TV show you have added to your DVR?
Hmm, well I have added
Nashville but I haven't had a chance to watch it yet....
Share your Social Media links
for us to follow you on(pinterest, twitter, facebook, etc) Tell us which is
your favorite and why?
I guess you could say that pinterest is
probably my favorite, and that is mainly because my blog doesn't have a twitter
or facebook yet
What is a TV show or Movie or
Song you could listen to or watch over and over and over and never get tired
of…feel free to name one of each:
TV show: Grey's Anatomy. Hands down.
Movie: Anything with Rachel McAdams. So The Notebook, The Time Travelers Wife,
and The Vow
Song: Probably The Story, which is from a Grey's Anatomy episode.....I might be
a little bit addicted to the show ;)
Stay tuned for my
background of the week post that i'll be putting up later tonight! :)
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