WHEW! 2 banquets a presentation and one looooonnnnnggggg hot shower later, the craziness that is my life has finally calmed down after a very long weekend. But I have been MIA for a while so I figure it's about time for an update!
I got bangs! / Valentines Day flowers :)
(I also saw a cute play at the community theater)
I bought my first item ever from Kate Spade! / The bow tie I had to wear for a banquet I worked
Lazy Sunday / Bloggy Monday
Overall it was a great weekend and today is actually going pretty well for a Monday. Honestly any day where I not only have time to get ready for school, but have time to eat breakfast and read blogs is a good day!
And now for the Background of the week

Via: Kroma design
To download the quote without the watermark at the bottom click on the link and head over to Kroma designs website! They also have a bunch of other neat quotes.
Till next time,