So this is well known by my regular friends, but not as well know by all of you (my bloggy friends). So I come to you today to introduce to you my soul animal.

Now before you judge me for my ke$ha-session, I don't desire to be ke$ha. But I believe that ke$ha is my soul animal. Ke$ha in her carefree, don't give a f*** attitude is who I honestly strive to be inside. I feel like I over think so much, especially the small things. Ke$ha on the other hand is just like, yo I want to brush my teeth with Jack Daniels, why the heck not?! and so she does it. She's also like, I like glitter so I am going to wear it every chance possible even if all I do is sprinkle it on myself in the morning.
So today I encourage you to let out your inner soul animal and party with them. I also encourage you to #backthatazzupfriday with Whitty and jam out to my personal favorite, Crazy Kids, from Ke$ha's newest album, Warrior.