Saturday, January 26, 2013

Sunday Social!

Linking up with Neely again this week for Sunday Social!
Sunday Social
This weeks questions:

What is your ideal way to relax?
Either writing something or reading something, with a cup of tea or coffee close by. English major at heart <3

Where is your favorite place to be?
I would probably have to say my bed. This is mainly because for one, IT IS SO COMFORTABLE! and two, I have a pretty busy schedule so I cherish all the sleep that I can get.

Who do you consider your biggest role model?
I would probably have to say my grandparents. They have always been there for me and I have always looked up to them.

What does your life look like in three years?
Hopefully (fingers crossed) I will have graduated from BU! SIC'EM! And will have started law school (hopefully also at Baylor!)

If you could go back and change one decision what would it be?
Hmmm, I'm not entirely sure that I would change anything because I would not be the person that I am today without everything that I have been through in my life thus far. 

What is your biggest accomplishment in life thus far?
Getting into the school of my dreams! SIC'EM BEARS! 


  1. I totally had the sameish answer to the last question! Too afraid that it would change my current life! Which I love!

  2. Congrats on BU!!!!

    Stopping by from Sunday Social!!

    Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

  3. Relaxing, reading with a cup of coffee...most definitely! Stopping by from the Sunday Social! I'll be following along!

    Allison @

  4. I am with you on the last question! I adore my grandparents as well. Aren't grandparents the best! Stopping by from the link up.
