Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Its Tuesday, I know

Generally I post the background of the week on Monday but time got away from me so therefore you get it today. Yesterday was crazy just getting back into the swing of things at school, and getting used to not being able to sit around and watch Sex and the City all day (dangit). And since I'm still on a SATC kick that is where this weeks background comes from.
Sex and the City Quotes - sex-and-the-city Photo
I am also a total believer in this quote. I fully believe that no matter how many times you mess things up, even while you don't necessarily get a chance to fix them, you learn from them.
That way next time you are smarter and wiser!

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    I love your blog! I am your newest follower and nominated you for the Liebster Award :)

    blazing beautiful

