Monday, February 25, 2013

An update! and Background of the week

WHEW! 2 banquets a presentation and one looooonnnnnggggg hot shower later, the craziness that is my life has finally calmed down after a very long weekend. But I have been MIA for a while so I figure it's about time for an update!

            I got bangs!                                /                        Valentines Day flowers :) 
     (I also saw a cute play at the community theater)

        I bought my first item ever from Kate Spade! / The bow tie I had to wear for a banquet I worked

      Lazy Sunday                                /                              Bloggy Monday

Overall it was a great weekend and today is actually going pretty well for a Monday. Honestly any day where I not only have time to get ready for school, but have time to eat breakfast and read blogs is a good day!

And now for the Background of the week

To download the quote without the watermark at the bottom click on the link and head over to Kroma designs website! They also have a bunch of other neat quotes. 

Till next time,

Monday, February 11, 2013

I'm too excited that its Monday

Whew, excited and Monday. Those are probably two things you never thought you would hear in the same sentence. I'm pretty sure the only reason i'm excited its Monday is because 1. I had a lot of coffee this morning, and 2. I downloaded a fabulous new app that is actually doing a great job helping me stay on track with things I need to accomplish. I don't think that there is a better feeling that getting a lot of things accomplished in one day

*sniffs* Ahhhhhhh, I love the smell of productivity in the morning

Well moving on to the other things I wanted to share with yall today..........

How to have an interesting weekend 101

1. Judge high school debate (I love watching people argue politely) 2. Drink an excessive amount of coffee at work on Saturday hoping to forget the fact that you are at work on Saturday at 8am 3. Rediscover that you have a floor and remember how much you like it (and like being able to find things) 4. Selfie Sunday 5.Having Siri curse at you when you ask her to find a dry cleaners

That is how you have a super awesome weekend in a nutshell.
Now to drink more coffee so that I can power through the rest of my Monday.

*sips* ahhhhhhhhhh

Linking up with Sami's Shenanigans for the weekend update linkup!