Monday, November 5, 2012

Background of the week

It's background of the week time!

Now I realize that this quote seems a tad morbid, but I post this particular quote because I want to put a positive spin on it. I want you to look at this as inspiration. Inspiration to make sure that you are spending your time doing things that are worthwhile. That the things that you do make you happy and are going to help you in some way. I know not everything we do is entirely exiting, and that there are some things that just have to be done. I would like you to take this quote this week and think about what you do with your time dear readers. And I hope that the result for you is happy, and that most of the things you have to spend your oh so valuable time on, are things that make you happy! :)

Clock Quote Wallpaper

Photo Credit: Spelb


  1. cute blog, we are your new followers! XO

  2. love the inspirational quote :)
    and i also love how you're squeezing blogging in between all of the other things you do. i find myself doing that, too!
    following your blog on gfc now via the gfc blog hop! looking forward to future posts.

  3. Stopping by from the GFC Blog Hop and I wanted to say hi!

    Misfit Librarian
